Hello, and welcome to the recording page!
The two recordings referenced in The Peace Of Mind Blueprint are The Self-Compassion Process and Your Subconscious Library.
The Self-Compassion process, which I’ve used with clients for many years, is short—under 10 minutes—and can be enjoyed several times a day if that serves you. The more you listen, the better you feel.
Your Subconscious Library, which I wrote for a group setting, is a more advanced process that takes 45 minutes and guides you through a journey of discovery in your subconscious mind.
I’ve also given you bonus recordings!
The recording of Higher Self Spirit Animal is a process that I love. It was written by Lori Hammond and recorded by me, and it also takes about 45 minutes.
The two video recordings, River Calling and Unexpected, Spontaneous Joy, are each about 5 minutes long and are as beautiful to watch as they are to listen to.
Listen to the audio recordings ONLY when you’re in a private, quiet place where you can be semi-reclined so that your head and neck are supported.
Never listen to the audio recordings while driving!
Thank you so much for giving these recordings the time they deseerve and exploring the world of psycho-spiritual hypnosis.
I’d love to hear how you enjoyed them!
To your highest good, Sherris